Mr Mosalanyane Mosala
Mosalanyane Mosala hails from Bloemfontein in the Free State Province, South Africa. He holds a Baccalaureus Artium (BA) degree majoring in Education and English and a Baccalaureus Education (BEd) Hon degree, he further holds a Master Education (MEd) and Master’s in Public Administration.
Mr Mosala expanded his knowledge to better equip himself for the public services as a manager by completing the following courses successfully and obtaining the following certificates: International Development, bridging the worlds of theory, policy, and practice. He has staggering work experience of over four decades which includes 17 years as an educator, Deputy Director in the office of the Premier Free State for 5 years, 13 years as Chief Director in the Department of Justice and current CEO of the Information Regulator for the past 5 years.
Mr Mosala’s mantra is, “do not sleep in the middle of the revolution!”